T as in Tantrum

A few years ago I was talking to a friend (I'll call her O) about
another friend's impending wedding plans. At the time, O expressed a
feeling of pain that was brought on by discussing these wedding plans. I
remember her saying it's too painful for me to be involved in these
plans, I am happy for the bride and I will show up for the wedding, but
I don't want to be told about plans, I just want to focus on me right
now. Her reaction baffled me until rencently cause I now perfectly
understand how she feels. I understand how you can desire something so
much that the meantime seems unbearable. I can understand why some women
just go with the first guy cause they just want companionship. O and I
had this conversation 6 years ago, when I was 24 and she was 30...today
I am 30 and somewhat walking in her shoos. Like her then, I am healthy,
educated, good job, good person, nice family and friends, overall good
life but can't seem to attract love and that is making me sad...I am sad
that I am beginning to fit the profile of these women who are
accomplished in all areas except romantic love. I am sad that I find
myself at a stage of my life where I need to make decisions concerning
my career, possible move oversease, etc., and I have no anchor, noone
else to take into consideration, nothing that ties me to anything. I
wish I had that soft place to fall on, someone to share with and care
for. Somehow I wish I could partake into the drama of juggling career,
family life, marital issues but this continues to elude me, even when I
feel so close to getting there with this guy seems to have walked right
out of my fantasies, but with whom nothing is taking off after almost a
year of hanging out... I guess I'm feeling discouraged with this whole
love thing to the point of starting to resent hearing about other
people's love stories... they are all just painful reminders of what I
am longing for. Like my friend O, I couldn't care less about what's
going on in other people's lives right now though I am happy for them
and wish everyone well...I just want certain things for myself right
now, and not having them makes me want to retreat even more. I feel this
way despite knowing all about positive thinking, faith and the
importance of acknowledging my blessings. I know I'm supposed give
myself the love I desire, and I do do that. I should focus on what you
have, give thanks for my blessings and be patient...I really do know all
this, well most of the time anyway but I have a hard time believing
these days. So I've decided to just accept where I am and how I feel,
which is to throw a little tantrum cause my prayers have not been
answered. I am just going to sit with my pain and longing and ride this
funk out. You're welcome to join my pity party or just watch. K.


Naturally Blessed said...

hey girl! just wanted you to know that i stopped by. here i am.

i understand this place. i've been in a similiar one. one of my closest friends is experiencing the exact same thing...her 30th b-day right around the corner and she feels stagnant. in limbo. feeling forgotten by God. wondering why she has not received an answer to prayers that she has prayed for years.....its difficult to stay upbeat and i understand not caring less about others happiness. its great for them but often the personal pain runs too deep. so we retreat inside of ourselves.....

i'm walking a thin line with my own gf.....its not easy bc i dont want to flood her with stuff that i know she doesnt care about. yet at the same time trying to keep her included in my life bc she says she wants to be....so i dont know what to say or do.

throw as many tantrums as need be.


Lisa Sargese said...

Will refreshments be served at this pity party? How about some nice crispy vegetables in a fat free oriental dressing dip and some white wine. And grapes. Cheese for those who eat it. Aw heck, it's NORMAL to feel exactly how we feel about being single even though we are so very awesome. It's ok to be a little resentful in a polite way when others' happy horse shit makes us miss what we wish we had. It's ok and I know you know that. Let's party.