
After months of self neglect, I finally weighed myself on Tuesday. What
I saw scared the heck out of me and sent me straight back into
discipline. 218.6 freaking lbs! Like, why, how?...actually I know how,
iLve been eating everything under the sun and then some and have only
sporadically weighed...I suppose that's what you get for that...truth is
I am not all that shocked tho I was hoping against hope that my body was
now so used to a healthy lifestyle, it would process all this excess
unhealthy stuff right out of it, and that it wouldn't really impact my
weight! WRONG...and I am glad I was proven wrong, this let's me know for
sure that I can't fool around with my health & weight and expect no
consequences...I am back to harduous workouts and very clean eating,
lots of water, conscious actions and the good news is that over 3 lbs
are already gone...most likely all water, but I'll take anything I can
get-this morning I fluctuated between 214 & 215, after the scale read
191.4, which I just knew was dead wrong tho I wish it were the
truth...anywho, I am back and am staying the course all the way to my
new goal of 180 this time. I have to get unstuck from whatever it is
that was holding me back all these months. I am figuring that out so
stay tuned for more frequent posts...


Anonymous said...

Hey, have you checked out some of the blogs in my sidebar? One of the things I've been working on is really trying to draw a distinction between being HEALTHY and being THIN. I know I can be thin, but I only know how to do it in an unhealthy manner, if that makes sense. So I've been trying to eat healthy and not worry about my weight.

The thing I'm working on overcoming is the possibility that I might get super-healthy, but never get thin. I'm working on being ok with that (although I'm still hoping to be thin; I haven't let it go completely, even though I'm working on it). But I figure that's the best thing: to be healthy and work on my self-esteem so that whether or not I lose weight, I'm happy.

Seriously. Start with Shapely Prose and read some of the archives. It helped me a lot. :)