My work around here isn't done

Truth is I may have been too arrogant to think I had acquired full
control over my weight issue. It is now abundantly clear that I still
have a lot of work to do on myself. Yes I've accomplished quite a bit
and transformed my body and mind a lot. But my underlying issues,
whatever they are, are very much alive and kicking. I tamed them for a
while and they cooperated. They lied dormant for amost 2 year, but I
must now admit that I am completely out of control. I can't stay focused
for over 5 days and once I get going, I gorge on everything I can get my
hands on-irrespective of whether I am hgungry or not. It's like I sit
idly by and poof, my mind starts wondering, what more damage could I do
now, what more can I binge on? And without even attempting to stop
myself, I just give into whatever that thought is. Why am I doing this
to myself? What's going on? What am I running from or being anxious
about? Why do I keep sabotaging everything I've worked so hard for in
the past 2 and a half years? Luckily I've still not lost much ground, I
probably gained some 10 lbs which I can drop in no time, but I must
really get a hold and better understanding of what's eating at me.