Gosh the week end's already over... it's amazing how week ends just zoom by and before you know it, it's back to work! I had a good one, got caught up on my shows and sleep, relaxed, did some work and went shopping. That I had to do to with some sense of urgency to supplement my 6 outfits wardrobe, lol. No kidding, I really only have a handful of work outfits which is quite a change considering I had quite the extensive size 24 wardrobe. I mean my closet was just overflowing with clothes for the past few years, which I now realize was pretty much a reflexion of some out of control spending and shopping. There really is a direct correlation between how we feel and the stae of our weight, shopping, finances, etc. it all dawned on me in the course of losing 80+ lbs, after which I got rid of my oversized wardrobe, paid off all my debt and decided to limit my wardrobe to a few classical items until I reached goal weight...I am glad I went through this cause it made me realize I really didn't need all that stuff. Well I am still not at goal and since getting there is taking a bit longer than expected, I decided to just work with what i got at the moment. I want to dress up and embrace exactly where I am right now so I began exploring spring and summer 2008 fashions. The new styles look decent. I can't quite tell what the exact summer look is supposed to be but I am hunting for stuff that works with my very pear shaped body. I got a few classy but sassy cuts for work...they flatter my body I think so I am gonna rock them next week. I had no idea this post was going to turn into a fashion commentary, I had actually set out to blog about regrouping and getting back on track with my workouts and food...Now that I got so far off course, I suppose I'll save that for tomorrow, lol. have a great week everyone! K.
I'm struggling with whether or not to buy new clothes too. I still have such a long way to go, I feel like every new smaller (but not small enough) item is a waste of money. *sigh* Like you, I try to limit the new, temporary, stuff while also looking at each purchase as a reward for a job well done. Besides, none of my pants fit! :)
Hope youhave a great week too!
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